Wikipedia as Source?
An interesting posting today first claimed that the U.S. Dept. of State shamelessly stole text from the Wikipedia: At this point some of you may ask just what the heck the US Dept. of State was doing,...
View ArticleWhy Search More than One?
Here is another example of a search I ran today where several search engines failed to give me the answer I needed. In particular, I was looking for a cached copy of a Web page, since the page was...
View ArticleHereUAre, Gigablast, 10 Billion, and Spam
Ever heard of HereUAre, which has “Over 10 billion pages indexed?” Try a search and you may recognize the results as coming from Gigablast. So what’s the connection? This leads to a rather strange...
View ArticleOverlap Showdown: Only at 1 of 6
Maybe it is just the type of searches I run, but today I had yet another example of the lack of overlap at the major search engines. I was searching for more information about someone for whom I only...
View ArticlePage Found at 3 or 6: Not Google
While working on an upcoming presentation, I came across a Web page that I could not find on Google. The page has been at that URL, on a Canadian academic, site since at least 2003. I was rather...
View ArticleConflicting Overlap
I seem to be on a roll lately in finding Web pages that are not indexed by Google and are only found by one search engine. Yesterday I was exploring LibraryThing, a social networking and book...
View ArticleSalaries, Overlap, and the Perils of Phrase Searching
Summer’s over, so it’s time to start posting and updating SearchEngineShowdown again. I’ll start off with yet another screencast of unique results found at only one or two search engines, but this...
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